Green Tea Powder

Green Tea Powder

Did you know that the very green tea that the world is going crazy about these days is made from the same plant that the normal black tea is made from? The reason why they differ so much from each other is because of the process which they go through after harvesting.

Green Tea Powder

To make the harvested leaves into black tea they are put through the process of fermentation. For green tea they are steamed. The fermentation process makes the plant lose all its medicinal properties but gives it a taste which is loved by the public. On the other hand the steaming process produces green tea that is endowed with amazing health benefits. The problem is that not many non-Asian people are used to the taste of green tea.

The edible alternative

For such people the experts have derived green tea powder. This powder is actually prepared all the way in Japan and then exported all around the world. It has been a part of their culture for many years and was popularly used in tea ceremonies which are a customary practice of the people of the land. Japan is credited for having the best green tea harvest in the world. The Uji Tawara area in particular is renowned for its amazing quality green tea produce.

There are many health benefits to be extracted from green tea. The fact that you can’t stand its taste should not stop you from availing the many benefits that this potent drink has. Hence you can always consume the tea in powder form and reap its benefits.

Studies have clearly shown that consumers of green tea whether as liquid or powder tend to be calmer and have a very well functioning digestive system. Green tea also helps to increase the memory.

In Japan green tea holds a special place. It is a drink of honor and is served to guests whom the locals want to honor. They take great care when preparing and serving green tea because it is a matter of honor for them. The west however is only after extracting the medical benefits of green tea and there is no such tradition tying them down.

Making use of green tea powder

use of green tea powder


Green tea powder can actually be used as a flavoring ingredient. This is what makes it easy to consume for those people who are not particularly fond of the taste of the green tea blend. They can make use of the powder to prepare delicious sweets and enjoy the treat as well as the benefits of green tea.

Green tea powder is also used to produce green tea ice cream which is now considered as a real delicacy on a global scale. Although the powder has a slightly bitter taste on its own, when it is consumed along with other ingredients it seems to blend in just fine.

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