Temperature Is So Important When Brewing Green Tea

Temperature Green Tea
hot green tea

If you pick up a box of Lipton Black Tea, you will see instructions to steep (brew) the tea in boiling water for four to five minutes. This is perfectly fine since it is a black tea. Green tea is another story.

Green tea leaves are more delicate than black tea leaves. Though they are the same leaf, black tea undergoes more oxidation making them hardier. Green tea is not subjected to as much oxidation and is a much more delicate leaf retaining all the antioxidants and catechins.

Because of the nature of green tea leaves,brewing temperature is very important. Too low of a temperature will give you a very weak green colored tea water. This is not specific to green tea, tea leaves need heat too steep and it does not mater what tea is is.

Too hot of a temperature and you will find the green tea to be bitter and undrinkable. Additionally, there is evidence that too much heat destroys many of the health benefits of green tea.

What is the proper temperature? It depends on the tea. Delicate new leaves may need a lower temperature than older growth leaves. But generally, the correct temperature to steep green tea is between 165 and 175 degrees. More or less will produce a less than ideal cup of tea. As for time, one and a half to three minutes will work best and if your water is closer to 175, you will likely be better off on the short end of the steep time.

So how do you get the correct temperature. Some people will boil water and then let it sit for a minute or two to cool. Since water boils at 212 degrees at sea level, this method will likely give you a temperature above the recommended steeping temperature or at the least at the very high end of it. Other methods include listening for the rolling of water, which some say occurs soon before water begins to boil. they say you can actually hear the water rumble.

If you are like me and have spent some real money of a fine green tea, you might consider a nore scientific means of determining the temperature of your water.

I use the Taylor Connoissuer Tea Thermometer and Timer. Not only does it tell me the temperature of the water but it has a convenient timer to count down the steep time.

You can get even more fancy and exact by using the Breville BKE820XL Variable-Temperature 1.8-Liter Kettle. It heats your water to the correct temperature for any type of tea you are steeping.

Whatever method you use, make sure to do it right. Using the correct temperature for the steep time you choose will ensure your next cup of green tea is a good one.
hot green tea
