Although Oolong tea (also referred to as “Wu Yi tea” or “Wu Long tea”) is widely consumed in the Far East, it still has a mysterious aura to it here in America.
This air of mystery is encouraged (and capitalized on) by marketing companies who constantly change the tea’s name to make it seem more like an ancient Chinese secret for weight loss. The simple truth is that the tea isn’t much of a secret, and (since it originated about 400 years ago) it’s not particularly ancient either.
Clever marketing aside, these companies do have one thing right. Oolong tea does, in fact, encourage weight loss. Not only will it help you drop those pesky pounds, it’s also packed with a whole host of other great health benefits. We’ll discuss those below, but first let’s take a look at what Oolong tea is and how it’s made.
Process of Making Oolong Tea
There are hundreds of different varieties of tea made from the same plant, Camellia sinensis, but almost all of them fit into one of the following three categories: Black teas, Green teas, or Oolong teas.
The type of tea is determined by how long the tea is exposed to oxygen before drying out. This careful withering process is called oxidization. Black teas are fully oxidized, while Green teas are dried quickly and unoxidised. Oolong is partially oxidized and combines the best qualities of Black and Green.
Unique & Wonderful Flavor
The complex oxidization process that Oolong undergoes gives it a delicious flavor that is quite distinct from Black and Green tea. It has a fresh taste and strong flavor without a hint of bitterness.
Some Oolong teas are also scented with jasmine by mixing the jasmine flowers with the leaves and infusing the scent of the flowers into the tea.
Oolong & Weight Loss
In the Far East, Oolong has long had the reputation for helping keep people slim. Some of its weight loss benefits are still debated, but scientific studies have proven that Oolong tea helps people to lose weight by:
Increasing metabolism
Increasing energy
Blocking fat absorption
Ridding the body of excess water weight
Health Benefits
Oolong is highly desired for its weight loss abilities, but it also has other effects that are just as beneficial. Some of them include:
Boosting the immune system
Promoting healthier teeth by fighting plaque and tooth decay
Promoting healthier skin
Preventing wrinkles and spots
Enhances focus and mental function
Fighting cancerous cells and diseases
Fighting the aging process
Oolong Facts
Oolong tea burns fat so well that it’s a common ingredient in over-the-counter nutritional fat-loss supplements.
Wu Yi tea is a type of Oolong tea that gets its name from the Wuyi Mountain range in Fujian, China where it’s grown.
“Oolong” tea translates to “Black Dragon” tea
Oolong tea is very carefully produced. It’s much more complicated to make than both Green or Black tea.
Oolong tea contains a very high amount of powerful antioxidants called polyphenols.
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Shan Huacha oolong tea ( wu long tea )industry is located the liveliest Chinese tea all, Anxi is advantageous, topography superior, transpo...
OOLONG TEA Oolong is a traditional Chinese tea that is between green and black in oxidation. It is among the most popular t...