Green Tea & Caffeine

Green Tea & Caffeine

Green Tea & Caffeine

Many people rushed to try green tea after having been enlightened with the various benefits of the drink. It is true that green tea is loaded with substances that can help fight cancer, prevent aids, and delay the effects of aging, help against common illnesses like the flu and cold as well as act as a fat burner to help you lose weight.

Being advertised as an all natural substance, which it is, it is generally assumed that green tea has no side effects whatsoever. However there is one particular substance in green tea that was found to be giving trouble to a small proportion of people and that is caffeine.

How serious is the caffeine problem?

Yes, green tea does contain caffeine and caffeine is not exactly poison. It is not like green tea contains as much caffeine as coffee does that you should be worried about the caffeine in green tea causing you any serious damage. The majority of the complaints have been common problems like palpitation, nervousness, insomnia and other such problems.

Rarely has there been a case where the caffeine content in green tea has caused any serious damage to the consumer. On the other hand the above mentioned symptoms have been enough to get some people off the idea of consuming green tea and reaping its otherwise many benefits.

Caffeine free alternative

If you are skeptical about the caffeine content in green tea or have a sure shot allergy to the substance then that is no reason to deprive your self of the benefits of green tea. This is because a number of manufacturers have realized that the caffeine content has been causing people problems. For this purpose they have formulated special decaffeinated green tea extract.

When compared to regular black tea the green alternative has much less caffeine content at around forty milligrams for every eight ounces. The caffeine content is however naturally overwhelmed by the presence of powerful antioxidants such as polyphenols and catichins. Nonetheless users now have the option to go with the decaf version of green tea extract.

As it is green tea is known to have little or no side effects. The only reported side effects have been due to the presence of caffeine. With the decaf version this danger is also overcome thus making it possible for the masses to enjoy green tea without having any fear of developing any side effects whatsoever.

The market is loaded with caffeine free green tea supplements that can serve as the ideal alternative to caffeine loaded drinks for the day. In fact you will be able to find even healthier green tea supplements that have not only eliminated the caffeine but have added other beneficial substances to make the drink even more powerful for your health.

With the only problem that green tea was supposedly posing to the public removed the sales of the magic drink have begun to soar. Not only is the decaf tea being sold in the drink form rather you can purchase decaf green tea powder and pills as well.

Tea & Caffeine
